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Iowa Commission on Volunteer Services

The Iowa Commission on Volunteer Services awarded Volunteer Generation Fund grants to create four new volunteer centers and expand five existing volunteer centers across the state of Iowa. The evaluation will identify the impacts and outcomes of these Volunteer Generation Fund grants by conducting one-on-one interviews with volunteer center directors, facilitating focus groups with volunteers and members of non-profit agencies, analyzing data collected by each volunteer center, and conducting a final focus group with volunteer center directors to perform member checks and gather additional information.

The evaluation plan was designed to be flexible and responsive to changes in project direction and undergoes a continuous review to address emerging needs, ensuring the evaluation is aligned with program objectives. Evaluation deliverables include interview instruments and focus group protocols, semi-annual preliminary evaluation reports, and a final evaluation reports. This evaluation will help to guide data-driven improvements to volunteer services across the state of Iowa.

This evaluation is supported by the Iowa Commission on Volunteer Services and the Volunteer Generation Fund